A European luxury automotive manufacturer required an interactive learning solution to address both hard and soft skill gaps associated with CSI and Mystery Shop.
A series of interactive game-based learning modules that built successive awareness, knowledge, and skills in the targeted areas of the service core process. Field representatives for the OEM were encouraged to play the learning game with their dealers to prompt deeper conversations about process improvement within each dealership. The user flow below illustrates the sub-steps of each game-learning asset. This can be replicated for another OEM using custom CSI and Mystery Shop data along with core policies, procedures, processes, and customer handling best practices.

Quiz Queen
Multiple choice quizzes with a game-show host. This is a standard set of quiz questions. There are multiple answers to the question, with one of them being correct. In addition to standard questions, you can also come up with multi-step questions. These are questions or prompts with multiple answers, meaning the player can get some of their responses correct and some of them incorrect.
Jigsaw Jam
Drag and drop answers into the correct spaces. This segment is all about having a set of process steps, and asking the player to put the right steps into the right order. Links to online process guide to support self-paced learning and exploration.
Talk the Talk
An interactive conversation with a customer using deep branching scenarios On screen will be an illustrated graphic of a customer, and a dialogue box of them talking to you. You will have multiple choices of how to respond back to them. Each of these choices is graded - some are correct, some are incorrect. The game will give you a score based on how well you handled that interaction with the customer. Remediation for low scores in customer handling added to enhance the retention of content.